Among the many claims of tea benefits, this one will surely paint a bright smile on your face! Experts reveal studies about how beneficial tea is to your dental health. This understanding seems to imply that the more you drink tea, the more you can wear a brighter smile with your healthier mouth. These researchers found out that green and black tea demonstrate antibacterial properties against a variety of dental bacteria that are both associated with tooth decay and gum disease.
How is it possible? Green tea leaves contain high amounts of fluoride and polyphenols that help protect the teeth and gums. Fluoride plays an important role in oral care. It reduces the deterioration of the tooth enamel through the formation of fluorapatite in the dental enamel. It further hinders bacteria growth and aids re-mineralization of the dental tissues. Cariogenic bacteria discharge glucans which enables the adherence of microbes to tooth surface. According to the European Food Safety Authority (2013), fluoride content in food is generally low (0.1-0.5 mg/kg) except when food is prepared with fluoridated water.

An exception is tea, which can contain considerable amounts of fluoride (170-400 mg/kg dry weight in black and green teas made from young leaves and two to four times as much in brick tea made from mature leaves; tea infusions contain 0.34-5.2 mg/L), dependent on the type of tea, brewing procedure, and fluoride concentration of water. Some new studies reveal that instant teas were reported to be another significant source of fluoride intake up to 6.5 mg/L when prepared with distilled water.
To sum it all up, feed your mind with the following advantages of tea on oral health: 1. Cavity prevention – Green tea, which is an essential source of polyphenol antioxidants, has the ability to protect against various oral diseases. It controls bacteria and lowers the acidity of saliva and dental plaque, and may also be a useful tool in preventing cavities.
2. Gum health – Recent studies imply that green tea possesses anti-inflammatory abilities that aids periodontal (gum) disease. There have been studies revealing positive results for gum health with the use of green tea for example a Japanese survey of almost 1,000 men. The experiment found that those who drank green tea regularly had healthier gums compared to those who didn’t. Another German study gathered the same findings when they tested a number of people by giving them green tea chewing candies.
3. Less tooth loss – A Japanese research study indicates that selected respondents who were tasked to drink one or more cups of green tea a day seem to have healthier and stronger teeth, based on their 2010 report. This resulted in popular new products on the market which include green-tea extracts.
4. Cancer control – What’s more for green tea? Another premise states that drinking green tea may lower your chance of developing oral cancer. The antioxidants and other properties of green tea are said to aid cellular damage repair and prevent the development of tumors. According to one research study conducted at the University of Texas, respondents with oral pre-cancerous lesions were given green-tea extract and the results show that the use of green tea delayed the progression of oral cancer.
5. Better breath – Do you want to have fresh breath all the time? Drink green tea! Green tea kills the microbes that make our mouths stinky. The University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Dentistry reveals that green tea outperformed mints, chewing gum, and even parsley-seed oil in their study.
To achieve better results, it is advised that the most effective ‘dose’ of tea is at least two or three cups of tea (for a total of 240-320mg polyphenols) per day. With all these overwhelming tea benefits, people around the world continue to fall in love with tea and make it a refreshing long sip habit.

EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition, and Allergies (NDA). (2013). Scientific opinion on Dietary Reference Values for fluoride. European Food Safety Authority Journal, 11(8), 3332, 46 pp. (Retrieved 03 March 2017). doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2013.3332
Gardner, E., Ruxton, C.H., & Leeds, A. (2007). Black tea – helpful or harmful? A review of the evidence. The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 61, 3–18. (Retrieved 03 March 2017). doi:10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602489;
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Pandya, D. (2016). A Common Beverage with Miraculous Oral Health Benefits – A Review on Green Tea . The Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 15(8), 118-122 pp. (Retrieved 03 March 2017). doi: 10.9790/0853-150803118122
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